All posts by BikeShackAdmin

Celebration Station for Bike Everywhere Day, Friday 20 May

We recommend you enjoy getting out on a bicycle throughout Bike Month, and drop by our location on Bike Everywhere Day.

We need volunteers to present info, snacks, demonstrations of what we’re about.

  • We have presentation materials.
  • We will have a farmers’ market style canopy just in case of rain.
    As you may know, at this location we have lots of cyclists travelling to the UW and the Husky Stadium rail station.
  • Making up some sandwich board or yard signs for pointing direction could be very worthwhile. We do have some yard signs for material.
  • We’ll need to find a table and a few folding chairs.


6-9a (and 4-7pm if sufficient interest)


Between 7733 and 7757 25th NE

We will be located between the Friends Church driveways, near the sidewalk and bus stop,
just south of Tool Library on 25th Avenue,  adjacent to the southbound bike lane on 25th Avenue, and within a block of the 75th Street bike lanes.

Tool Library and co-location of Bike Shack is 2415 NE 80th St.

Next year, we could be ramping up to Bike Month with getting bikes available for newbies in the month or two before.

Guess what? Still too many bikes!

So we still have too many bikes at the Shack. That doesn’t even include the frames and bikes we still have in storage.wpid-wp-1414107685075.jpg


Seriously, if you know anyone that needs a bike, your house needs a lender/guest bike, parts, or anything else we might have on hand, cgone get it!
If you need tools, the Tool Library is also having a garage sale this weekend!
This weather won’t last long, but come on in!wpid-wp-1414107652607.jpg


See you soon!